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Faeries are the daughters of the Flora and Light.


A wide range of ethereal, astral shapes, large and small, working together in an organized cooperation that can be called the Life side of Nature.


A completely different evolution, parallel with and overlapping ours.


Popular traditions has always recognized it’s existence and all over the world, where Hearts are Pure and Spirit revel in Innocence, stories of the Little People abound.


They exist everywhere on the Planet, under different names, they live in forests and gardens, in the trees and flowers and can be encountered on the edges of wells, rivers and lakes.


Their Essence is the very Essence of Nature.


They are the final link in the evolution of Elves, both males and females are extremely beautiful.


Most often naked, they borrow elements of the Flora and Fauna that surround them or dress up in the graceful robes and jewelry of Elfirie.


Exquisite creatures, eternally young as time goes by, fluid and luminous, they are endowed with an immaculate charm and unspoiled Divine Grace.


Under the guidance of their Queen, they cultivate and organize the Plant Kingdom and look after it. They protect the species and suggest Ideas for colors, fragrance and harmonious combinations of shapes.


They dance, gather honey, make love, flutter, frolic and take care of all growing things.


Peaceful creatures, they hate to see the wanton destruction of plants, but to please them, a person needs only to plant a flower or a tree.


In the tranquility and harmony of parks and gardens, summer meadows and shady woodland, the Open Heart Being can catch hold of them, in a moment of True Mirage, when the mist clears before the eyes, allowing the discovery of the Realities of the Invisible.


A luminous path is then revealed, leading to the green, virgin Faeryland, where a whole Enchanted People, humming and fluttering, becomes tangible.


The most banal setting becomes transformed by the magical Presence of Faeries.


They almost always appear to those who conjure them trough Intuition, an Open Heart and a Loving Spirit.In these days where violence is sanctified by all media and the inhumane transformations brought by the modern world are constantly aggressing us, Faeries are the Emissaries of a gentler side of Reality, of a parallel Dreamtime, where all orders of beings enjoy Life in Harmony.


They are delicate manifestations of the Spirit of Nature, of the joy and happiness to which all Humans aspire.


As they give fragrance to the flowers and dazzling colors to the petals, they can also come to the help of Humans, making their wishes come true and bringing them closer to the Love they seek.


They remind us of the fragility of the Beauty that surrounds us, which we have the duty to protect, and all affectionate thoughts that link us to them is a message of Love to the Mother of us all!

About our Faeries

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